Can Craft Felt Get Wet?

Can craft felt get wet? Find out answers of craft felt water properties, and tips on how to care and and wash without damaging the craft felt.

6/2/20244 min read

Craft felt, which is commonly used in crafting projects, is generally not designed to withstand exposure to water. However, it is essential that you take some notes in mind to maintain its appearance, avoid prolonged exposure to water, and handle it with care when wet. In this blog post, we will focus on, “Can craft felt get wet?” and explore the water resistance of this beloved crafting material.

What is Craft Felt?

Craft felt is a non-woven textile made by matting and processing fibers together. Its dense and compact structure gives it a soft and fuzzy texture, making it suitable for a wide range of items, including ornaments, home decor, and accessories. It is usually a blend of synthetic materials like polyester or acrylic. With affordability and accessibility, craft felt has become a popular choice for crafters, offering endless possibilities for imaginative and practical creations.

What Happens When Craft Felt Gets Wet?

When craft felt gets wet, it may absorb water, become misshapen, and lose some of its softness. It's advisable to handle wet craft felt with care, allowing it to air dry thoroughly to maintain its intended form for creative projects.

Craft felt has low absorbency, meaning it doesn't readily soak up water. This makes it resistant to water to some extent. While it can handle minor spills and brief exposure to moisture, it's not entirely water-resistant. Prolonged contact with the water may affect its texture and durability.

What to Do If Craft Felt Gets Wet?

If your craft felt gets wet, here's what you can do:

  • Use dry towels or paper towels to gently soak up the water from the felt. Don't rub it too hard.

  • Lay the felt flat in a dry place and let it air dry. Don't use anything hot, like a hairdryer, because it can damage the felt.

  • If the felt loses its shape, gently reshape it with your hands while it's still damp.

  • Make sure the felt is completely dry before storing it to prevent mold. If you see any mold, brush it off gently and let the felt air out.

What to Do If You Have to Wash Craft Felt?

If you need to wash craft felt, here are some steps to follow:

  • Check the Label: Before washing, check if the craft felt has specific care instructions on the label. Follow any guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

  • Hand Washing: If the craft feels washable, it's best to hand wash it in lukewarm water with mild detergent. Avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fibers.

  • Gentle Cleaning: Gently swish the craft felt in the soapy water, being careful not to agitate it too much. Press down on the felt to help remove dirt or stains.

  • Rinsing: Rinse the craft thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Again, be gentle to avoid damaging the fibers.

Recommended Read: How to Clean Felt Slippers?


How to Hand Wash Craft Felt?

It's a bit of work, but we highly recommend the handwashing method. You can use following steps:

  • Fill your sink or tub with cold water and detergent.

  • Completely submerge the felt.

  • Let the felt soak in the water for a few minutes, working out the stains with your fingers.

  • Use a soft toothbrush to lightly scrub out the tougher stains.

  • Wiring the felt completely. Felt absorbs water easily, and if you do not wring it out, it will trap that water in its fibers, causing mold to grow.

  • Let it air dry!

Can Craft Felt be Machine Washed?

It is not the best way to wash. If you do it with caution, it is possible by using following steps:

  • Machine wash with cold water on a delicate cycle.

  • Make sure the machine does not fill all the way with water.

  • Run the felt through the entire washing cycle.

  • Air dry. Do not put felt in the dryer.

Tips for Protecting Craft Felt from Water Damage

  • Keep craft felt away from wet surfaces or areas prone to spills.

  • If a spill occurs, gently blot the area with a dry cloth to absorb excess moisture.

  • When transporting or storing craft felt items, use protective covers or containers to shield them from potential water exposure.

  • Regularly inspect craft felt items for signs of water damage or mold, and address any issues promptly.

Final Thoughts

Craft felt, despite its water-resistant nature, can indeed get wet. While it's designed to resist water to some extent, prolonged exposure can lead to damage or changes in texture. However, with proper caution, craft felt can be washed when necessary.

At Yarning Wools, we offer a wide range of high-quality craft felts for your creative projects. With our selection, you'll have ample options to choose from, ensuring you find the perfect match for your crafting needs. Don't hesitate to reach out to us today and explore our collection. Let's elevate your crafting experience together!

FAQs On Can Craft Felt Get Wet?

Is Craft Felt Waterproof?

Based on the definition above, synthetic felt fabric is usually not waterproof. It does have a few properties that make it somehow water-resistance though. Exposing a felt item to a lot of water will cause the fibers to trap the liquid. Additionally, water can seep through from one side to another.

Does Felt Get Ruined in Water?

Whether felt gets ruined in water depends on various factors, including the type of felt, the fibers used, and how the felt is treated or processed.

Can You Wash and Dry Craft Felt?

Whether you can wash and dry craft felt depends on the type of felt and its specific care instructions.

Can Felt Withstand Water?

Felt can withstand water to some extent, but its ability to do so depends on several factors, including the type of felt, the fibers used, and any additional treatments applied.

How Can I Protect Craft Felt from Water Damage?

Store craft felt in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use airtight containers or plastic bags to protect it from dust and potential moisture.

What Happens When Craft Felt Gets Wet?

When craft felt gets wet, it may absorb moisture, become misshapen, and lose some of its softness. Natural fibers like wool can be more prone to shrinkage, while synthetic felts may temporarily change texture when exposed to water.